About Us
Jinan Lisong Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the R&D and manufacturing of new light-curing materials; coating manufacturing (excluding hazardous chemicals) coating sales (excluding hazardous chemicals); manufacturing of new membrane materials; sales of new membrane materials; new materials Technology research and development; UV ink and synthetic resin sales; machinery and equipment sales; general machinery and equipment installation services and other manufacturing and processing enterprises.
Product Keywords
uv curable varnish
uv protection wood varnish
uv resistant clear varnish
texture uv varnish
uv coating varnish
high gloss uv varnish
reticulating uv varnish
uv varnish over epoxy
varnish uv
lazer bond uv glue
lcd uv glue
uv resistant glue
glue set by uv light
uv glue for plastic
uv glue for tempered glass
uv liquid glue
uv light setting glue
uv glue for phone glass
uv glue for phones
polyethylene release film
clear pet release film
compassionate release film
uv release film
pet sheet panels
polyethylene terephthalate sheet
release film for composites
clear polyester
clear polyester sheet
clear sheet plastic
durable plastic sheets
uv glue for metal
uv glue for mobile phone screen
uv varnish for paper
uv varnish for wood
uv spray varnish
uv varnish for acrylic paintings
uv protection varnish
uv resistant varnish
uv printer varnish
uv protectant varnish
uv marine varnish
uv matte varnish
uv filtering varnish
uv gloss varnish
uv curing varnish
best uv resistant varnish
best uv varnish
gloss uv varnish
uv cured varnish
uv glue for acrylic
uv glue for glass to metal
clear uv glue
liquid uv glue
uv curable glue
uv cure super glue
uv clear glue
uv crystal glue
uv glues
plastic uv glue
super uv glue
uv curing glue
uv cure glue
uv light glue for glass
uv light cure adhesive glue
glue uv
uv activated glue
uv cured glue
uv glue for glass
glue uv curing
uv light glue
uv adhesive glue
uv gluing
bondic uv glue
heat transfer release film
composite release film
clear release film
solid release film
resin release film
release film material
release film composites
industrial plastic sheet
pet film plastic
plastic board sheets
plastic by the sheet
plastic film sheet
plastic hard sheet
plastic sheet material
plastic sheet panels
plastic sheets
plastic transparent sheet
plastics sheets
platic sheet
platic sheets
polyester sheeting
polymer sheet
polymer sheets
sheet of hard plastic
sheet of plastic
sheet plastics
sheets of plastic
thin plastic board
thin sheet plastic
thin sheets of plastic
composite release film p3 perforated
ptfe release film
crwod release film
prepreg release film
polyester release film
plastic release film
non porous release film
non perforated release film
mylar release film
high temperature release film
fep release film
epoxy resin release film
epoxy release film
carbon fiber release film
adhesive release film
perforated release film
exterior varnish with uv protection
best uv protection varnish
uv varnish business cards
uv varnish printing
high temp release film
release film roll
release film vinyl
safe release film
unperforated release film
pvc shrink film
wide release film
18.8 Silk Single Side Precoated Film
films for pre-coated metals
PET Sheet
UV Varnish
Release Film
UV Glue
UV Light Curing Adhesive
PET Release Film
Silicone Oil Film
PET Varnish Release Film
Pre-coated Film
Polyester Films
Petg Sheet Roll
Rpet Sheet Roll
UV Resin Glue
PET Oil Release Film
GAG Sheet Roll
APET Sheet Roll
Tempered Film
PVC Film
Roller Coating Calendering Oil
UV Shadowless Glue
PET Flat Adhesive
UV Screen Printing Gloss Varnish for Paper
Outdoor Roller coating Calendering oil
Indoor Roller Coating Calendering Oil
Indoor UV Curable Varnish
Outdoor UV Curable Varnish
Outdoor UV Varnish For Wood
Indoor UV Varnish For Wood
Indoor UV Varnish For Paper
Outdoor UV Varnish For Paper
Outdoor UV Shadowless Glue
Indoor UV Shadowless Glue
Indoor PET Flat Adhesive
Outdoor PET Flat Adhesive
Indoor UV Crystal Glue
Outdoor UV Crystal Glue
Outdoor UV Light Curing Adhesive
Indoor UV Light Curing Adhesive
Indoor UV Curing Glue
Outdoor UV Curing Glue
Outdoor UV Resin Gluee
Indoor UV Resin Glue
PET Siliconized Release Film
12.5 Silk Release Film
7.5 Silk Release Film
5 Silk Release Film
12.5 Wire Polyester Films
18.8 Wire Polyester Films
25 Wire Polyester Films
Double-sided Pre-coated Film
18.8 Silk Double-sided Pre-coated Film
25 Silk Double-sided Pre-coated Film
12.5 Silk Tempered Pre-coated Film
Tempered Pre-coated Film
18.8 Silk Tempered Pre-coated Film
25 Silk Tempered Pre-coated Film
12.5 Silk Tempered Film
18.8 Silk Tempered Film
25 Silk Tempered Film
25 Silk Pre-coated Film
12.5 Silk Pre-coated Film
18.8 Silk Pre-coated Film
1250*200 Meters Petg Sheet Roll
1250*100 Meters Petg Sheet Roll
1250*50 Meters Petg Sheet Roll
1250*50 Meters Rpet Sheet Roll
1250*100 Meters Rpet Sheet Roll
1250*200 Meters Rpet Sheet Roll
1250*200 Meters GAG Sheet Roll
1250*100 Meters GAG Sheet Roll
1250*50 Meters GAG Sheet Roll
1250*50 Meters APET Sheet Roll
1250*100 Meters APET Sheet Roll
1250*200 Meters APET Sheet Roll
5 Silk PET Oil Release Film
12.5 Silk PET Oil Release Film
7.5 Silk PET Oil Release Film
7.5 Silk PET Release Film
5 Silk PET Release Film
12.5 Silk PET Release Film
12.5 Silk Silicone Oil Film
7.5 Silk Silicone Oil Film
5 Silk Silicone Oil Film
5 Silk PET Varnish Release Film
7.5 Silk PET Varnish Release Film
12.5 Silk PET Varnish Release Film
12.5 Silk PET Siliconized Release Film
7.5 Silk PET Siliconized Release Film
5 Silk PET Siliconized Release Film
Indoor UV Screen Printing Gloss Varnish For Paper
Outdoor UV Screen Printing Gloss Varnish For Paper
25 Silk PVC Film
18.8 Silk PVC Film
12.5 Silk PVC Film
1250*100 Meters PVC Film
1250*200 Meters PVC Film
1250*50 Meters PVC Film
25 Silk Single Side Pre-coated Film
12.5 Silk Single Side Pre-coated Film
UV adhesive for PVC board
PVC board outdoor special UV adhesive
Wood veneer background wall indoor UV adhesive
Interior UV adhesive for wood finishes
PVC plate outdoor special glue
UV adhesive for interior wood veneer
25 wire tempered pre coated film
25-wire tempered pre-coated film
UV coating adhesive outdoor yellowing resistance
Yellow resistant outdoor UV adhesive
uv coating film calendering oil indoor high gloss
UV coating film calendering oil indoor high-gloss
UV coated film calender oil interior highlights
UV film calendering oil outdoor yellowing resistance
7.5 Wire Release Film
UV adhesive outdoor yellowing resistance
18.8 filament pre-coated film
UV adhesive indoor high gloss
PET film with 25 wires
25pet film
Film calendered varnish indoor/outdoor high gloss
UV film calendering oil
PET Crystal Film
crystal tempered film
Outdoor Resin Adhesive
Outdoor resin glue
Release wafers
molded wafer
Indoor UV resin adhesive
Toughened pre-coated film
Pre-coated on both sides
Yellowing-resistant adhesive
Yellowing-resistant coating adhesive
Siliconized coating film
release liner
Indoor film calendering oil
Coated with calendering oil
Coated with calendering varnishRoller calendering oil
18.8 silk toughened pre-coated film
One side pre-coated
Indoor high gloss varnish
Indoor high gloss polish
Yellowing Resistant Varnish
Silicone coated film
resin glue
Resin adhesive
Single-sided pre-coated film
Single-sided pre-coated membrane
Outdoor Resin Rubber
12.5 Silicone oil film
Release membrane
textured membrane
Environmentally Friendly Glue
yellowing resistance
Environmentally friendly and odorless
pre-coated membrane
double-sided coating
heat-resistant film
Film press high gloss varnish
Membrane Press High Gloss Polish
detackification film
special layer
4H toughened pre-coated film
4H Tempered Pre-coated Film
Indoor Resin Adhesive
Indoor resin glue
12.5 Wire Silicone Film
Silicone Oil Layer
Film calendering varnish
Dripping Varnish
Gloss coating
Special textures
silicification layer
Yellowing-resistant glue
Roller coating glue
Roller coating adhesive
Roller glue
Film calendered high gloss varnish
crystal film
crystal movie
Superior yellowing resistance
Transparent and odorless
High-gloss varnish
High Gloss OilHigh-gloss polish
Silicone Oil Coating
Organic Silicone Oil
UV curing adhesive
Toughened pre-coating film
Printable film
High hardness
Film calendering is available
Silicone Oil Membrane
silicone membrane
silicone film
Eco-friendly glue
corona film
corona membrane
Roller coating film calendering oil
Roller film calendering oil
Roller coating film calendering oils
25 Wire Corona Film
PET membrane
PET films
Yellowing-resistant UV coating adhesive
Yellowing-resistant UV adhesive
Eco-friendly coating film calendering oil
Environmental protection coating film calendering oil
Categories and Products
UV Varnish
UV Curable Varnish
UV Curable Varnish
Outdoor Roller coating Calendering oil
Indoor Roller Coating Calendering Oil
Indoor UV Curable Varnish
Outdoor UV Curable Varnish
UV Varnish for Wood
UV Varnish For Wood
Outdoor UV Varnish For Wood
Indoor UV Varnish For Wood
resin glue
Outdoor Resin Adhesive
UV Varnish for Paper
Roller Coating Calendering Oil
UV Varnish For Paper
UV Screen Printing Gloss Varnish for Paper
Indoor UV Varnish For Paper
Outdoor UV Varnish For Paper
UV Glue
UV Crystal Glue
UV Shadowless Glue
UV Crystal Glue
Outdoor UV Shadowless Glue
Indoor UV Shadowless Glue
Indoor UV Crystal Glue
UV Light Curing Adhesive
UV Light Curing Adhesive
Indoor PET Flat Adhesive
Outdoor PET Flat Adhesive
Outdoor UV Light Curing Adhesive
Indoor UV Light Curing Adhesive
UV Curing Glue
UV Curing Glue
Indoor UV Curing Glue
Outdoor UV Curing Glue
Outdoor Resin Adhesive
UV Resin Glue
PET Flat Adhesive
UV Resin Glue
Outdoor UV Resin Gluee
Indoor UV Resin Glue
UV adhesive indoor high gloss
Release Film
PET Release Film
PET Release Film
12.5 Silk Release Film
7.5 Silk Release Film
5 Silk Release Film
7.5 Silk PET Release Film
Silicone Oil Film
Silicone Oil Film
12.5 Wire Polyester Films
18.8 Wire Polyester Films
25 Wire Polyester Films
12.5 Silk Silicone Oil Film
PET Varnish Release Film
PET Varnish Release film
PET Siliconized Release Film
5 Silk PET Varnish Release Film
7.5 Silk PET Varnish Release Film
12.5 Silk PET Varnish Release Film
PET Oil Release Film
PET Oil Release Film
5 Silk PET Oil Release Film
12.5 Silk PET Oil Release Film
7.5 Silk PET Oil Release Film
7.5 Wire Release Film
PET Sheet
Pre-coated Film
Pre-coated Film
Double-sided Pre-coated Film
18.8 Silk Double-sided Pre-coated Film
25 Silk Double-sided Pre-coated Film
12.5 Silk Tempered Pre-coated Film
Polyester Films
Polyester Films
Single-sided pre-coated membrane
Petg Sheet Roll
1250*200 Meters Petg Sheet Roll
1250*100 Meters Petg Sheet Roll
1250*50 Meters Petg Sheet Roll
Rpet Sheet Roll
1250*50 Meters Rpet Sheet Roll
1250*100 Meters Rpet Sheet Roll
1250*200 Meters Rpet Sheet Roll
GAG Sheet Roll
GAG Sheet Roll
1250*200 Meters GAG Sheet Roll
1250*100 Meters GAG Sheet Roll
1250*50 Meters GAG Sheet Roll
APET Sheet Roll
APET Sheet Roll
1250*50 Meters APET Sheet Roll
1250*100 Meters APET Sheet Roll
1250*200 Meters APET Sheet Roll
Tempered Film
Tempered Film
12.5 Silk Tempered Film
18.8 Silk Tempered Film
25 Silk Tempered Film
Single-sided pre-coated film
PVC Film
25 Silk PVC Film
18.8 Silk PVC Film
12.5 Silk PVC Film
1250*100 Meters PVC Film
1250*200 Meters PVC Film